First Courses

Soup of fresh cheese
Simple dish of the tradition made of soup of any kind of meat, after cooked the pasta is added the pecorino cheese, and mixed until the cheese is melt.

“Malloreddos furriaos”
Sardinian gnocchi made of 1cm of pasta with a thumb against a grate, then is added a sauce of various types ot cheese as pecorino and of goat melted.

God’s strings  (“Su filindeu”)
Typical Nuorese dish that needs people very skilled to be made. It is made from bran flour, anche boiled in soup of sheep meat, at the end is added fresh cheese.

Soup and “merca”
It has “merca”, curdled sheep milk, with pasta, potatos and tomatos.

“Culuriones de beda”
Classic Nuorese ravioli. It is filled with flour, pecorino cheese, boiled chard and saffron.

“Maccarrones de busa”
Typical Sardinian gnocchi prepered using little pieces of pasta, they has a walnut dimension, pushed agains a crochet needle (“sa busa”). This type of pasta is boiled and flavoured in various ways as: red tomato sauce, a sauce of milk/creme and walnut, etc…

“Maccarrones cravaos”
They are handmade with a red sauce and meat, they are the Nuorese version of Sardinian gnocchi, obteined pushing by hand a piece of pasta against a surface of any kind.