Maria Giacobbe (1928)
Apprecieted and prolific writer. Her firt novel is «Diary of a teacher». Nowadays she live in Denmark and she is still writing inspired by her unforgotten native land.

Apprecieted and prolific writer. Her firt novel is «Diary of a teacher». Nowadays she live in Denmark and she is still writing inspired by her unforgotten native land.
Nephew of the sculptor Francesco Ciusa, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where he got noticed for his talent as a drawer and painter. He was always inspired by the rural atmosphere of Sardinia, he became a major artist and apprecieted in all the Nation, he won a lot of prices and some of his works were exposed in pubblic areas. Some of his masterpieces are still exposed at the musuem MAN of Nùoro.
One of the most famous lawyer and university teacher in Italy. His major law essays are still object of study. Salvatore Satta is known especially for his novel, pubblished posthumous by his family, that is still a masterpiece of the italian litterature of the XX century: «The Doom Day», where the writer analize sarcastically the sins of the people of Nùoro of his time.
Political and social activist, was apprecieted as poet, and for his novels and theatrical pieces; he worked with some journals and other periodicals. His best novel is "Jump in the ditch"; "That day at Bugerru" and "Su Connottu" for the theater and the collection of poems "The dance of the Argia"
Leading intellectual of revolutionary syndicalism, he founded the magazine "Sardegna" in 1914, where he spread his theory about the island indipendence. He was the lawyer at the Union Syndicate in Milan, enlisted during the first word war and became commander of infantry of "Brigata Sassari". He died during the war.
Most important Sardinian sculptur of the XIX century. He won the major price at the Biennale of Venice when he was twenty years old with his master piece "The mother of the killed one", that is now located in the Modern art Gallery of Rome, but a copy is located in the Ciusa Museum in Nuoro. His other famous works are: "The Cainite", "The Spinner", "The Kiss", "The Sardinian Anfora" and "The Slinger".
Nobel price for the literature in 1926. She is the only woman to ever won it. As a self-taught, inspired by French naturalist writers, began to pubblish light novels on womanly magazines. After she moved in Rome started her work about the traditions of Barbagia and her main novels, that represent her home-sick, like: "Canne al vento" (weak-willed), "L'Edera" (the ivy), "Marianna Sirca" and "Cosima".
Famous poet who written in Sardinian. In younger age he pubblished "Nèulas" (fog), first collection of poems in Nuorese language. With his works he reported the corruption on pubblic administration of the time. He got arrested for his poems about the killing of king Umberto I because of the explicit lines.
Sebastiano Satta was a lawyer and a poet. His most famous works are: "Sings of the jump and of the tank" and also "Barbarian sings". In his poems, in Sardinian and Italian, the main topic are the social problems of the Barbagia (Sub-region of Sardinia) of the time.
He started his career as writer in 1894, then he became a post-impressionistic painter and a succeful landscapist using his Barbagia as model.
Graduated in law in Sassari, from 1881 was professor of civil right and the University of Siena, and from 1885 in Turin. In Turin he became chancellor, also town councillor and mayor, always being in contact with Nùoro, that in 1892 elected him as deputy. In 1908 he became senator for life.