Grazia Deledda's Memorial
Grazia Deledda's Memorial
This memorial was designed by the artist Maria Lai, died in 2013.
"Going away" is how the artist choose to call her work, it is a space created to be used for meditation and rest. Maria Lai said that: «it opens to the sky and the ground, and suggest to go forward and go back to yourself». The location was choosen by Lai because she wanted a place far from the confusion and the traffic, it creates the same atmosphere as the spirit of the writer.
Maria Lai wrote: «The tall quadrangular gate, where there is drawn the sky with a map, we need to go through those worlds, those star lines. And leave behind the anxiety to live another dimesion».
High and thin columns of white marble have little statues of women, sheperds, goats, looms and writings. It is inspired by Nuorese daily life, vision of a past that is never gone, always actual, that brings the people at a mystic level without forgetting the reality.
"Going away" is not a place, it is a feeling, the same inspiration that you can feel coming in a sacred place, an atmosphere that you bring with you going away